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Gynecologic Oncology done right

Part of Alium's mission is to continue to define "Total Women's Care" and now we have added a very important piece to that definition, Gynecologic Oncology.    We are proud to help women no matter what they face and certainly cancer is one of the biggest issue a woman could face.  With our team at your side and our patient centered approach to care addressing all aspects of your cancer treatment, you will get the best care in a small friendly setting.  Our warm, supportive staff work hard to integrate physical, mental and social health into a care plan that maximizes success and minimizes stress on you.  


Meet The Oncology Team


Dennis Scribner, MD 


Kelly Colonello, CRNP

What does a Gyn-Oncologist do?

A gynecologic oncologist is a specialized medical doctor who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancers that specifically affect the female reproductive system. This includes cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva. Gynecologic oncologists are trained in both surgery and the use of chemotherapy and other medical treatments to manage gynecologic cancers.

  • Conduct thorough medical histories and physical examinations to understand the patient's health and identify any symptoms or signs of gynecologic cancers.

  • May order and interpret various imaging studies such as ultrasound, CT scans, MRI, or PET scans to visualize the reproductive organs and assess the extent of disease.

  • Performs biopsies to obtain tissue samples from suspicious areas. This helps in confirming the diagnosis and understanding the specific characteristics of the cancer cells.

  • Works closely with pathologists who analyze the tissue samples under a microscope to determine the type, grade, and stage of the cancer and then creates an individualized treatment plan to remove the cancer.

  • Performs surgeries to remove cancerous tumors and affected tissues. They aim to achieve complete or optimal debulking when possible.

  • Administers chemotherapy, either before or after surgery, to destroy cancer cells that may have spread beyond the primary tumor site.

  • Provides ongoing follow-up care, monitoring patients for signs of recurrence and managing any treatment-related side effects.


What does Alium's Care Coordinator do?

Female Patient

Why is mental health so important in battling cancer?

Care coordination of cancer treatment refers to the organization and integration of various healthcare services and professionals involved in the care of cancer patients. It aims to ensure that individuals receive comprehensive, efficient, and patient-centered care throughout the entire cancer journey—from diagnosis through treatment, recovery, and beyond. Care coordination involves collaboration among different healthcare providers, specialists, and support services to optimize the overall quality of care and the patient's experience. Here are key aspects of care coordination in cancer treatment:


1. Multidisciplinary Team Collaboration:

Oncologists and Specialists: Coordination involves collaboration among oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and other specialists involved in cancer diagnosis and treatment.


2. Treatment Planning:

Developing a Comprehensive Plan: The care team works together to develop a personalized and comprehensive treatment plan based on the type and stage of cancer, considering the most effective and appropriate interventions.


3. Communication:

Effective Communication: Care coordination ensures clear and effective communication among members of the healthcare team, allowing for the exchange of information about the patient's condition, treatment progress, and any changes in the care plan.


4. Timely and Seamless Transitions:

Transitions of Care: Coordination focuses on ensuring smooth transitions between different phases of care, such as from diagnosis to treatment, and from active treatment to survivorship or end-of-life care.


5. Patient and Family Involvement:

Informed Decision-Making: Coordination involves actively engaging patients and their families in the decision-making process, providing information, and addressing their concerns and preferences.


6. Supportive Care Services:

Integration of Supportive Services: Coordinating care includes integrating supportive care services such as palliative care, pain management, counseling, and nutritional support to address the holistic needs of the patient.


7. Navigation Services:

Patient Navigation: Providing navigation services to help guide patients through the complex healthcare system, ensuring they have access to necessary resources and support.


8. Monitoring and Follow-Up:

Monitoring Treatment Response: Coordination includes regular monitoring of treatment response and adjusting the care plan as needed. It also involves scheduling and facilitating follow-up appointments.


9. Survivorship Planning:

Survivorship Care Plans: For those completing active treatment, care coordination includes developing survivorship care plans that outline long-term follow-up care, potential late effects, and lifestyle recommendations.


10. End-of-Life Care:

Coordination for End-of-Life Care: For patients with advanced or terminal cancer, coordination extends to end-of-life care, ensuring that patients and their families receive compassionate and supportive care.


11. Health Information Exchange:

Sharing Health Information: Care coordination involves the secure exchange of health information among healthcare providers, ensuring that everyone involved in the patient's care is well-informed.


12. Quality Improvement:

Continuous Quality Improvement: Providers engage in ongoing quality improvement efforts to enhance the coordination of care, address any challenges, and optimize patient outcomes.


Effective care coordination helps streamline the delivery of cancer care, reduces redundancies, enhances communication, and improves the overall patient experience. It is an essential component of patient-centered care, focusing on the individual needs and preferences of cancer patients throughout their journey

Mental health is crucial when battling cancer because it significantly influences a patient's overall well-being, quality of life, and the ability to cope with the challenges associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment. Here are several reasons why mental health is important in the context of cancer:


1. Psychological Impact:

Emotional Distress: A cancer diagnosis can lead to a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger. Addressing these emotions is essential for mental well-being.

Depression: Cancer patients may experience depression, which can affect motivation, energy levels, and the ability to engage in treatment effectively.


2. Coping with Uncertainty:

Coping Strategies: Maintaining good mental health helps individuals develop effective coping strategies to deal with the uncertainty and unpredictability that often accompanies cancer treatment.


3. Treatment Adherence:

Positive Outlook: Mental health plays a role in maintaining a positive outlook, which can contribute to better treatment adherence and engagement in the recovery process.


4. Physical Health Impact:

Mind-Body Connection: The mind-body connection is well-documented, and mental health can influence physical health outcomes. Good mental health supports the body's ability to cope with and recover from the physical demands of cancer and its treatments.


5. Quality of Life:

Well-Being: Mental health is a key component of overall well-being. Maintaining a good quality of life during and after cancer treatment involves addressing mental health concerns.


6. Social Support:

Communication: Good mental health facilitates effective communication with friends, family, and healthcare providers. Open communication is crucial for building a support system and addressing the challenges of cancer.


7. Decision-Making:

Informed Decision-Making: Mental health contributes to clear and informed decision-making regarding treatment options, potential side effects, and end-of-life care.


8. Survivorship:

Post-Treatment Adjustment: Mental health is important during the transition to post-treatment life, helping individuals adjust to changes, manage potential lingering side effects, and navigate the challenges of survivorship.


9. Impact on Relationships:

Family Dynamics: Cancer can affect family dynamics, and maintaining good mental health helps individuals navigate these changes and support their loved ones.


10. Accessing Support Services:

Seeking Help: Good mental health encourages individuals to seek help from mental health professionals, support groups, or counseling services, which can provide valuable resources and coping mechanisms.


11. Resilience:

Resilience Building: Mental health contributes to resilience, helping individuals bounce back from setbacks and navigate the ongoing challenges of cancer treatment.


12. Holistic Approach:

Holistic Care: Cancer care is increasingly recognizing the importance of a holistic approach that addresses both physical and mental health for comprehensive well-being.


Incorporating mental health support into cancer care can improve the overall experience for patients, enhance their ability to cope, and positively impact their long-term outcomes.

Doctor's Appointment

Schedule a Gyn-Oncology Appointment Now

Cancers of the female reproductive parts that are rare and often go undetected until they are in advanced stage.
Uterine Cancer

Also known as endometrial cancer, it is one of the most common gynecologic cancers.  It begins in the lining of the uterius and is often found in postmenopausal women.

Cervical Cancer

This cancer usually starts in the cells lining the cervix and is often caused by human papillomavirus (HPA), a sexually transmitted infection. 

Vulvar and Vaginal Cancer

These forms of cancer are rare, but when found are very important to treat immediately. 

Advanced Gynecologic Surgery

Cancer often demands advanced techniques, technology and expertise to address the complex gynecological conditions presenting.  Our providers are qualified to offer these survices.

Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery

Our providers use a robotic system to assist in performing precise and controlled procedures that are deemed minimally invasive.

Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Angiogenesis Inhibition, Tumor Direct Therapy

A form of cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy or inhibit the growth of rapidly dividing cancer cells.

Genetic Counseling and Testing

By looking at genetics, providers can assess a patient's risk of developing cancer based on their genetic makeup. It looks at information about the inherited genetic mutations that may lead to the likelihood of cancer developing in the body.

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