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Young Doctor

Prenatal Care Services

Maternity care is crucial throughout your entire pregnancy and afterwards. As part of maternity care, doctors, midwives and nurses will check the health of you and your baby, give you useful information to help you have a healthy pregnancy, discuss your options for care during the pregnancy, labor and birth, and, most importantly, answer any questions you have. 


Allium Health is here to support you through your journey if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Contact us now to organise focused antenatal care.

Baby's Grasp

We provide maternity care services which include:

Ultrasound scans

Ultrasound scans are conducted throughout your pregnancy to monitor your baby and check that they are healthy and growing properly. They can pick up some health conditions, and they are also used to determine your due date. 


Ultrasound scans are usually conducted at around 11-13 weeks, and again at 18-21 weeks, and you may be offered more scans if further monitoring is required.

Happy Baby

Why trust Alium Health as your prenatal care clinic?

Alium Health is proud to be an accessible and trustworthy maternity care center. We provide:

  • 35 years of experience in healthcare.

  • Community-based doctors.

  • State-licensed providers.

  • Priority in healing all aspects of physical, mental and social health.

  • A one-stop shop with consistency across appointments.


Alium Health guides women through all the stages of pregnancy, birth, and beyond, from birth control, gynecology and prenatal care, to screening and tests, and postpartum care, our service helps you throughout your entire journey to motherhood.

Our maternity care doesn’t just cover physical health; we also assist with mental and social health, so you can feel satisfied in your mind, body, and spirit. Our primary care and mental health wellness is designed for all women, so can cover you during your pregnancy and beyond.

Choose peace of mind when it comes to prenatal care services.

Why should you get antepartum care?

Antepartum care helps you to have a healthy pregnancy and birth. Getting early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy. This care begins from pre-pregnancy, all the way through to birth. It can help you check the health of your baby, and ensure you are getting all the care and help you need during your pregnancy, as well as preparing you for your birth.

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